Disaster Management Training Center

For training and capacity building of ODRAF, Fire Services and other SAR force in the State, Disaster Management Training Cell (DMTC) has been set up in Revenue Officers’ Training Institute (ROTI), Gothapatana, Bhubaneswar for conducting capacity building programmes for different stakeholders in disaster management. The DMTC will continue to work in the field of capacity building till the formal facilities of State Institute of Disaster Management (SIDM) are set up.

AIM of the training center:

  • To develop the skill, knowledge and re-orient the attitude of the trainees/participants to discharge their assigned duties in an effective manner while deployed for disaster response duties.
  • To enhance trainees’ capacity, patience, knowledge of new machinery and equipment, & new technique on relief and response activities.
  • To prepare new module, schedule & training programme on Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • To ensure the behaviour of training & develop their capacity.
  • To develop survival skill among the trainees.

Instructors: Selected ODRAF personnel from various ODRAF units having knowledge on specific subject and basing on the training undertaken by them, the following instructors are engaged at DMTC on deployment basis. All the instructors have completed the Training of Trainer course at various NDRF/CRPF institutions. Out of 18 instructors, 14 have completed the Master Trainer course at NDRF Academy, Nagpur.

Sl. No. Rank Name Unit
1 Dy.Sub Parshurama Dalei OSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack
2 Hav.Maj Gadadhar Kunar OSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack
3 Hav. Prabhudatta Kumar Padhee ODRAF R.O. Balangir
4 Dr.Hav Prakash Kumar Parida S. S. Bn Bhubaneswar
5 Hav. Pranit Senapati OSAP 7th Bn, Bhubaneswar
6 Hav. Khadim Khan ODRAFOSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack
7 LNK/45 Rajanikanta Mishra ODRAFOSAP 7th Bn., BBSR
8 S/206 Kanhu Ch. Hembram ODRAFOSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack
9 S/186 Sudarsan Senapati ODRAFOSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack
10 S/396 Basanta Ku. Nayak ODRAFOSAP 8th Bn Chatrapur
11 S/586 Tripati Nayak ODRAF R.O. Balangir
12 C/89 Subhendu Kumar Singhbabu ODRAFOSAP 3rd Bn, Koraput
13 S/426 Nutan Ku. Bhoi ODRAFOSAP 3rd Bn, Koraput
14 S/148 Saroj Mohanty ODRAF OSAP 7th Bn, BBSR
15 S/595 Trinath Panda ODRAFOSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack
16 S/21 Debi Prasad Mohanty ODRAF OSAP 7th Bn, BBSR
17 S/148 Shubham Tamang ODRAFOSAP 2nd Bn, Jharsuguda
18 C/156 Sagar Kumar Ray ODRAF Jagatsinghpur
19 AD/284 Md.Firozuddin/ ODRAFOSAP 6th Bn, Cuttack

Training:  Basic and Advance courses of training  are organised at DMTC which  are as follows:

  • Induction Course on Disaster Response
  • Flood Rescue Boat Operation
  • Rescue from height or vertical rescue
  • Medical First Responder Course
  • Collapsed Structure Search & Rescue
  • Equipment maintenance Course
  • Operation & Maintenance of JCB
  • Operation & maintenance of Hydra Crane
  • Special Equipment Maintenance Course
  • Relief line clearance course
  • Psychosocial care training

Apart from this, the instructors are also involved in imparting training to YRC & JRC counsellors, Civil Defence volunteers, school & College volunteers, APADAMITRA volunteers, Community volunteers, Task force volunteers etc.

The Instructors are also engaged in SAR duties on as and when required basis.

Our main Motto:

Evaluation Methods:-  The participants are evaluated in each course using two methods:       

  1. Unit- Test: The participants are required to appear in a Written Test at the end of Module- E and H. The passing score is 60%. Questions may be in the form of short answer, multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank or matching the columns etc..
  2. Practical Evaluations:Modules with performance components will have a practical evaluation afterwards. Practical evaluations are done, basing on the performance of tasks and attention to safety. If the participant receives Less than 60% score on a practical Evaluation, he will be allowed to take one make-up for practical evaluation.


60% Skill                                                                   90-100 = A grade

25% Team work                                                       80-89   = B grade

10% Written                                                              70-79   = C grade

05% Discipline and Leadership                            60-69   = D grade

                                                                                    Below 60= F grade


After successfully completing all course requirements, the participants will receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate will state that the participant has successfully achieved all lesson objectives and completed all tests, practices and evaluation criteria with the above grading.

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